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IFA EURO ARMWRESTLING CHAMPIONSCHIPS - ESTONIA 2025 # Aрмспорт # Armsport # Estonia, Hestia Hotel Strand, Pärnu, Estonia

08:00 - 20:00 | 22-26.05.2025



22-26 MAY 2025

Pärnu, Estonia






International Federation of Armwrestling (IFA) and Pärnu Armwrestling Club proudly invite you to the 2025 IFA European Armwrestling Championships.

It will be open to the Federations that have joined, and to all individual members from countries without National Federation – member of IFA. The Championships will be doping controlled, and all divisions of junior, masters, seniors and disabled will be added. There will be no limit to number of athletes allowed from one nation in one category. National federations that have joined will be the only entity allowed to register athletes from their nation. Individual membership is only possible from nations lacking a Natio- nal Federation, but are a member of IFA.

Quick facts

Capital: Tallinn
Population: ~1,35 million
Language: Estonian
Currency: Euro

One of Estonia‘s national symbols is cornflower. This flower, as well as the national colours - blue, back and white will accompany the visual design of this event.



Estonia - small, but highly modern



Estonia is a small country in northeastern Europe with a small population of around 1,35 million. The official language spoken is Estonian, which has strong similarities to Finnish language. The climate in Estonia is diversified - from cold winters to hot summers, but no extremes.

Estonia is well known for its highly developed digitalization - and as a birthplace of well known softwares - Skype for example. The rich heritage of the country is well valued among its citizens, who are proud of it - and proud to be free people.

As a member of the European Union as well as of the Schengen Agreement, travelling to Estonia is fairly simple. Estonia‘s currency since 2011 is Euro.



Pärnu, the summer capital of Estonia right at the Baltic Sea


There is nothing comparable to a mild and warm summer night in Pärnu, accompanied by sea breeze, good food, beautiful parks, long walks at the beach and romantic music of one of our own legends - Raimond Valgre.

Pärnu is the fourth largest city in Estonia, situated right at the Baltic Sea. There is a long beach right in the middle of the city, surrounded by numerous wellness centers. The city is a health resort and valued as such since the 19th century.

Since the 14th century, Pärnu has been a hanseatic town. This is held in high regard by locals and celebrated in many occasions.

In 23rd of February 1918, the Manifesto to peoples of Estonia was read for the first time in Pärnu. This was the declaration of independence and therefore, Pärnu is the birthplace of the Republic of Estonia.

Today, the rich history meets the modern environment and makes this city to a great place to visit, study and live.





The venue of the championships is:

Hestia Hotel Strand
A. H. Tammsaare pst. 35
80010 Pärnu, Pärnu mk.





The nearest airport is Tallinn Lennart Meri Airport (TLL), which is about 140 km to the north from Pärnu. A bus transfer from the airport to the hotel and back is provided. The transfer costs 10 Euro p.p.

Please register yourself for the transfer service until 05.05.2025 via Pärnu Armwrestling Club (see contact information below)

Pärnu Armwrestling Club
Board member Artur Krjutškov
Phone: +372 5553 7238

Car drivers: please note!

Parking in the city is mostly with parking fees. More information can be found online: parking-in-parnu/

In Estonia, there is zero tolerance for drinking and driving (driving only with 0,00 promilles). The police is regularly conducting traffic controls and fines for exceeding the speed limit are very high (up to 300 Euros). Larger speedings easily result in criminal offence procedures. Always let pedestrians cross the road!




For the citizens of the European Union and member states of the Schengen Agreement, travelling to Estonia does not require any visa or registration beforehand.

The competitors from other countries, who need a visa: the information about the applications can be found on the website of the ministry of foreign affairs of Estonia: application-schengen-visa

If an official invitation is needed for the visa application, then please contact the Pärnu Armwrestling Club (, Board member Artur Krjutškov Phone: +372 5553 7238).



Important deadlines

Start of the online registration: 14.04.2025
Recommended deadline for visa applications: 01.04.2025
Transfer reservations end: 05.05.2025
End of the online registration: 05.05.2025
Hotel reservations: asap

(Please note! Pärnu is a well loved holiday destination, the season starts in May. Therefore we recommend to book hotels as soon as possible. Otherwise there may be no rooms available, or the price is very high. It is expected, that the prices will rise significantly from 14.02. onwards).



Schedule of the championship

Thursday, 22.05.2025

arrival of the teams (all day)

Friday, 23.05.2025

09:00 a.m. - Classification and weigh in all (all categories)
12:00 a.m. - Referee seminar
05:00 p.m. - IFA Congress meeting

Saturday, 24.05.2025

09:00 a.m. - Opening ceremony - teams presentation
09:30 a.m. - Left hand competitions (all categories)

Sunday, 25.05.2025

09:00 a.m. - Right hand competitions (all categories)

Monday, 26.05.2025

departure of the teams (all day)



WEIGHT and AGE CLASSES (Left & Right Hand):

JUNIOR UP 15 (Born 2010 or later):

Boys: - 57, 63, 78, +78 kg
Girls: - 55, 63, +63 kg

JUNIOR UP 18 (Born 2009 – 2007):

Boys: - 63, 70, 78, 86, +86 kg
Girls: - 63, 70, +70 kg

JUNIOR UP 21 (Born 2006 – 2004):

Men: - 63, 70, 78, 86, 95, +95 kg
Women: - 63, 70, +70 kg


Men: -57, 63, 70, 78, 86, 95, 105, +105 kg
Women: - 52, 57, 63, 70, 78, +78 kg

MASTERS (Born 1985 – 1974):

Men: - 70, 78, 86, 95, 105, +105 kg
Women: - 63, 78, +78 kg

GRAND MASTERS (Born 1975 – 1964):

Men: - 70, 78, 86, 95, 105, +105 kg
Women: - 70, +70 kg

SENIOR GRAND MASTERS (Born 1965 – 1954):

Men: - 70, 78, 86, 95, 105, +105 kg

ULTRA GRAND MASTERS (Born 1955 and sooner):

Men: - 78, +78 kg


Physical Impairment Standing:

Men: - 65, 80, 95, +95 kg
Women: - 60, 65, +65 kg

Physical Impairment Sitting:

Men: - 55, 70, 86, +86 kg
Women: - 60, +60 kg

Junior 23 Physical Impairment Standing:

Men: - Open
Women: - Open

Junior 23 Physical Impairment Sitting:

Men: - Open
Women: - Open

Visual Standing:

Men: - 86, +86 kg
Women: - Open

Hearing Standing:

Men: - 70, 95, +95 kg
Women: - Open






1st, 2nd, 3rd places medal and diploma for all classes


1st, 2nd, 3rd places medal and diploma for following classes:

- ALL Junior left and right hand classes men and women U15, U18, U21
- ALL Senior left and right hand classes men and women
- ALL Masters left and right hand classes men and women (Except UltraGM)
- ALL Disabled left and right hand classes men and women
- ALL CLASSES Junior, Senior, Masters, Disabled left and right hand, men and women


According IOC rules, team classification is based on gold, silver and bronze medails won by the team. Points are not awarded for Ultra Grand Masters.

If two teams have the same number of gold, silver or bronze medails (depends on place), the following point system will be used:

1st place – 10 points
2nd place – 7 points
3rd place – 5 points
4th place – 4 points
5th place – 3 points
6th place – 2 points
7th place – 1 point





Whole team must be registered by the team's responsible official.
LOGIN: your email address used the IFA application form
PASSWORD: your password, if you do not remember it, please use "forgot password" button
Note! REGISTRATION is OPEN from 14.04.2025 till 05.05.2025 after successful login:
1. USER clicks "SHOW" button close to the championship name
2. USER clicks ADD COMPETITOR and fill the form (with weight classes)
3. USER repeats 3.till the end of the group.
4. NOTE: please register REFEREE too -it is same way like add a weight class
Team registration can be entered and changed several times until it is closed and sent.
Once registration is completed please send an email to
Then a payment notice will be issued and you may pay your duties via bank,
Paypal or other online service.


For athletes from countries with no official member federation an INDIVIDUAL
REGISTRATION must be emailed to Marian Capla. They cannot register online.
Please send email to with following details:

Age group:
Weight classes:
Left/right hand: choose one or both hands


U15 athletes can not register in U18 and U21 classes.
U18 can not register in U21 classes.
U18 and U21 and Masters can register in Senior classes.
Masters and Juniors can only enter one age division.
Disabled athletes can register in any class if the Classification Panel approve it.




Junior fee: 20,- EUR per class per arm
Senior fee: 40,- EUR per class per arm
Master fee: 40,- EUR per class per arm
Disabled fee: 20,- EUR per class per arm



DRESS CODE – Competitors:

Team shirts are the property of national teams.  National federations may decide what to put on them. IFA only requires that the name or logo of the country be placed on the back or front of the shirt. The competitor shirt may also have the National Association logo and country flag on them.  The jersey may also have the player's name and surname (usually on the back).

Sponsor logos can be placed freely.

They cannot cover national country logo or name. LONG Sports Pants are requier, NO Shorts are allowed





Weigh-in days: starts at 9 am

Weigh in order will be published at least two day prior teams arrival.
Weigh in order depends on the exact date and time when Registration form is SENT online to the Organization committee.
Team captain has to be present during weigh in to manage his/her team and to be helpful to the weigh in staff.
Each competitor must have passport or ID with picture and country of residence with him/her during the weigh in procedure.


Every puller has possibility to make official weigh in two times only.
To check weight a test scales will be provided near the weigh in room.
The second weigh in is possible in between other countries only.
The competitor can compete in his/her weight class or one class higher.


Every competitor and official is obliged to wear the official event badge all time during the IFA World Championships. Badges will be distributed to Team captains after Weigh-in is completed.
All officials with the team have to be present at Weigh-in to have photo for the badge.



Hotel information

There are three hotels we recommend. The distance from the hotels to the venue is max. 1 km. More hotels can be found on regular booking websites.

Please note! Pärnu is a well loved holiday destination, the season starts in May. Therefore we recommend to book hotels as soon as possible. Otherwise there may be no rooms available, or the price is very high.

The following prices are not valid for very long, the later you book, the more expensive the prices will be


Hestia Hotel Strand - also the venue
A.H. Tammsaare pst 35,
Pärnu, 80010

Contact: Kristel Kaubi, +372 5884 4199

Price per night (incl. breakfast and usage of SPA):

- Single room from 73 Euro
- Double room from 76 Euro

Use promotion code CAMP-ARMW to get 12% off.

Lunch and dinner buffet can be ordered with minimum 20 people in a group. Lunch: 23 Euro p.p, dinner 29 Euro p.p. (orders min. 14 days in advance via Pärnu Armwrestling Club:, Board member Artur Krjutškov Phone: +372 5553 7238).

Tervise Paradiis
Side 14, Pärnu, 80010

Contact: +372 445 1600

Price per night (incl. breakfast and usage of gym and water park):

- Single room from 90 Euro
- Double room from 95 Euro

Usage of SPA and sauna centre is for free from Sunday to Thursday, otherwise for a fee of 8 Euro.

Lunch and dinner buffet can be ordered with minimum 25 people in a group. Lunch: 21 Euro p.p. (children 3-15 y.o. 13 Euro), dinner: 22 Euro p.p. (children 3-15 y.o. 14 Euro) - (orders min. 14 days in advance via Pärnu Armwrestling Club:, Board member Artur Krjutškov Phone: +372 5553 7238).


Hotel Emmi
Laine 2, Pärnu, 80010

Contact: +372 44 76444

Price per night (incl. breakfast):

- Single room from 70 Euro
- Double room from 76 Euro
- Double room with extra bed for 3rd person from 90 Euro




Pärnu Museum

Pärnu Museum is one of the cooperation partners of this event and offers guided tours in the free time after the championships. Groups who are interested, please contact Pärnu Armwrestling Club, which is in direct contact with the museum to organize additional great memories for your trip to our city. Please register for the guided tours until 01.05.2025.

Afterparty in Club Wunderbaar

As a nice finish for the championships, there will an afterparty in Club Wunderbaar on Sunday, 25th of May, from 19:00 o’clock. Entry free of charge!

Address: Lai 10/1, Pärnu, 80010



Best places for dinner

Steffani City Centre italian cuisine, pizza
Nikolai 24, Pärnu, 80011
Reservation recommended.

Steffani at the Beach italian cuisine, pizza
Ranna pst. 1a, Pärnu, 80012
Reservation recommended.

C.F Hahni Pubi traditional pub
Riia mnt. 129a, Pärnu, 80010

Duckface asian cuisine
Inside the shopping centre “Kaubamajakas”
Papiniidu 8, Pärnu, 80010

Babyback Ribs & BBQ barbecue
Inside the shopping centre “Kaubamajakas”
Papiniidu 8, Pärnu, 80010



Organizational committee

International Federation of Armwrestling (IFA)
Hegibachstrasse 47
8032 Zürich, Switzerland

Pärnu Armwrestling Club
J. V. Jannseni tn. 25-29
80032 Pärnu, Estonia
Board member Artur Krjutškov
Phone: +372 5553 7238

